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Marketing in a Minute — Amplify Your Knowledge and Amplify Your Sales

Written by Lori Paikin | Apr 25, 2018 12:04:00 PM

For years, marketers have had access to various kinds of data and now perhaps the most important – intent data. In just 60-seconds, learn how to amplify your sales by amplifying your knowledge. 

(Marketing in a Minute Transcription)

For years, marketers have had access to various kinds of data: demographic and lifestyle data, consumer device and channel preferences, transactional-level data and now perhaps the most important – intent data. 

It’s not enough to have this data. The data in and of itself, can be paralyzing. The key lies with the interpretation of the data. Customers are sharing their story with every click, purchase and like button and they expect it to be used to make the purchasing experience more meaningful.

The days of segmenting customers by RFM are over. Not every customer who spent $100 with you last month is the same.  What is motivating consumers to behave the way they do? The answer lies in the consumers path to purchase. 

What products or services did they view while on your site? Where did they spend the most time? What engagement have they had with your brand? Did they cart something? 

This browsing data may be the most definitive source of intent data available and when interpreted correctly, can be used to truly create that individualized experience.

Talk to me like you know me, and I'll buy from you!