NaviStone® - Blog

Whose Data is it Anyway?

Written by Lori Paikin | Jan 29, 2020 1:04:00 PM

With 88% of marketers agreeing that digital privacy will become increasingly important this year, the expectations set on protecting consumer data have never been higher. Check out this week's infographic on guidelines for protecting consumer data. 

We thought it made sense to revisit and revamp this blog post from March 14, 2018: Six suggestions for building trust with customers when it comes to their data

The first thing that struck me as I re-read this title was the word their”. Not the word “trust” or “data”, but the word “their”.  After all, it is their data. If we can always remember that customers are allowing us access to their data, to use responsibly and for the purpose of improving their experiences with our brands, treating that data with the utmost respect comes that much easier. Take a look at some of the best practices we've found below on the topic.