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NaviStone Products

Direct mailing services for retargeting your website visitors

Direct Mailing Services

At NaviStone®, we offer a quality direct mail service that can make the difference between stagnation and growth in your business. From selecting the audience to target, to design, printing and getting a physical piece of mail in the hands of the people on your direct mailing list, we'll be with you every step of the way. Let's take a look at how our direct mail marketing services can help fuel your growth.



Struggling with Direct Mail? Your're Not Alone.

If you're working to increase your company's exposure through print and digital advertising, you know the struggles that can come with direct bulk mail. You spend your time and money crafting and printing a perfect mailer to get out to your marketing list, only to have much of the mail returned as undeliverable. Your rates of response are low, and you're wondering if it's worth it to continue trying to reach out through a traditional direct mail approach.


You're not alone in your frustration. At NaviStone, we hear the struggle that you're going through with reaching your customers, and our direct mail service is here to help. We've perfected the art of finding your target market and appealing to them in a way that will get you concrete, measurable results.


Whether you're frustrated at the amount of returned mail you're receiving, or simply unhappy with the number of responses you're getting from your current direct mailing efforts, we can help make the customer discovery, print, and mail process seamless. There's no reason to take this all on yourself- NaviStone is here to make direct marketing a flawless process, from start to finish.



How Our Direct Mail Services Can Help


If you currently use direct mailing to reach out to your customers, it can be hard to know which customers are worth contacting. Every time you get mail returned as undelivered, or potential customers throw away your mail product, cost is rising and you're throwing away money. At NaviStone®, our commitment to customer direct mailing list creation is what sets our marketing apart from the way direct mail services have typically done business.


We're able to look at your site visitors, then pair them with their latest addresses. From there, we work with you to create personalized bulk mailing materials that appeal to your target market based on their browsing history on your site. This sets you apart from the other piles of solicitation mail many people receive each day. When you appeal directly to a customer's needs, they're more likely to reach out to you to utilize or product or business.


We don't try to throw things at the wall to see what sticks - we use a system to target your audience in a way that makes sense for your business. We'll work with you to understand your ideal customer and use that information to create your unique mailing list. We used cookie-based matching to make your mailing list as accurate as possible. It's important to us that we get your audience list right the first time, every time.


A New Breed of Direct Mail

If you are a marketer working to increase brand awareness and sales, you’re utilizing programs across all marketing channels. Direct Mailing, driving the highest conversion rates of all marketing channels, has to be part of the mix.

NaviStone® is not like the bulk mail of the past! Think well designed, personalized content, high deliver-ability rates and most important, high response rates.

At Navistone®, our team has perfected the art of finding your direct target market and appealing to them is a way that will get you concrete, measurable results.



Privacy Is Our Priority

When you create a mailing list, you know how important it is to follow privacy standards regulated by the government. At NaviStone, we pride ourselves on meeting all privacy requirements. We're careful to ensure that we're only mailing to people who are open to receiving your information. If people ask to be removed from the list, we can easily ensure that they won't receive another piece of mail from us.

We don't just rely on human data entry to keep addresses safe. We use a unique, patent-pending system that allows us to keep personal data safe, while also giving your business everything it needs to reach your target market.

If you're currently trying to figure out a direct mailing on your own, it's easy to drown in the sea of privacy restrictions. Take some of the weight off your shoulders by working with a direct mail service that understands privacy laws and can ensure that you comply.



The Logistics

We're here to make direct mail easier for you, not harder. At NaviStone, we work with you to understand what type of direct mail service makes sense for your business. If you already have a system in place to print and mail your information to potential customers, we're happy to just work on your potential customer list. We'll send you the list in the format of your choice, allowing you to input the information into your system.


If you'd prefer to have your direct mail service taken completely off your hands, we can help. We're happy to print and mail your marketing materials for you, in house. We'll work with you to decide which route makes the most sense for your business. If you start out working on printing and mailing materials yourself, you're welcome to make the switch to having us take over the full project at any time.


We understand that as your business grows, your needs may change. We're here to grow with you. If you have any concerns about the logistics of direct mailing services, please don't hesitate to ask. We want you to be informed every step of the way.



The NaviStone Difference

At NaviStone, we pride ourselves on providing the best direct mail services available to business owners. We have some of the highest conversion rates in the industry, making our services well worth your time and money. We work with you to understand your target audience, and we're here to help you figure out what type of printing and mailing logistics make the most sense for your company. At NaviStone, it's our job to make your business mailing system flawless.


Ready To Step Up Your Direct Mail Marketing & Printing Service? Let's Talk.

If you're currently struggling with creating an effective mailing list, we get it. We're here to take the burden of figuring out direct mailings off of your shoulders so you can focus your time on the activities that propel your business forward. Whether you already have a mailing list or you're new to the digital retargeting game, we're here to help. Use our printer or your own for your custom direct mail postcards service- we're all about making the process as convenient for you as possible. If you've had enough of trying to figure out a high-return mailing system, hand the job over to NaviStone.

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