It all started back in 2015. It had been a rough decade and a half for us direct mail pros. And lingering slightly below the surface of the incessant “print is dead” story line, was the irrefutable fact that innovation in building audiences for direct mail was non-existent. It had been 25 years since the first database cooperative was launched, and despite all the advancements in technology, nothing much had changed.
So, we started thinking about how we might alter that dynamic, and understood that we could use our digital marketing expertise to reinvent traditional direct mail. To succeed, we needed to do two fundamental things:
And that’s how NaviStone® was born. 25 adventurous clients signed up for our first prospecting test in Q4 of 2015. Not only did the test names respond well, but we learned that the names we were generating for clients were 90-95% unique when matched against traditional transaction based lists; this was a real breakthrough!
Today, NaviStone® offers a number of products that leverage website visitor browsing behavior to generate direct mail audiences, including our original campaign prospecting product, a turn key personalized postcard program, and a hotline data feed to support existing daily and weekly hotline programs.
By matching site visitors, who have raised their hand and shown intent to buy, with their postal addresses, NaviStone’s patent-pending technology enables you to enhance the effectiveness of your marketing programs and increase results. Our cost-effective solutions help uncover first-party prospects and lapsed customers to include in direct mail programs in a privacy safe way.