Marketing in a Minute — Known VS. Unknown Browsers

Marketing in a Minute (3)

Is it possible for brands to connect with unknown browsers after they leave your site? The answer is yes! Retargeting via direct mail is very effective. Digitally Powered Direct Mail is done quickly and delivered directly to their mailbox leaving a long lasting impression. Take a minute to learn how marketers can have a successful retargeting program, and win over unknown browsers today with the ultimate customer experience.


The 2023 Marketing Playbook

(Marketing in a Minute Transcription)

Retargeting is the process of getting back in front of your website visitors after they've left your website.

An effective retargeting program will be executed quickly with messaging aligned to what the website visitor was browsing when they were on your site.

Consider two additional components for a successful program who are you retargeting and through which channel?

Audience and channel go hand in hand as historically, some channels have been best suited to reach known consumers and others have been best suited to reach unknown consumers.

But which will ensure the greatest view-ability?

Each day consumers see more than a thousand ads via digital channels more than a hundred ads via email and less than 10 ads via direct mail.

Deliver your ads where they'll be seen and where you'll not be competing for attention. So which audiences can be reached by a mail? Known consumers of course can be targeted by a direct mail but you shouldn't limit yourselves to that audience. Today's technology enables you to retarget your unknown site visitors using Direct Mail as well and double-blind technology ensures privacy compliance.

Those unknown site visitors are truly the audience receiving the fewest ads and through Direct Mail driving the greatest view-ability and the greatest response.