As 2016 draws to a close, marketers find themselves in a very exciting place. Technology has enabled us to combine the old with the new, and the data-driven approach...
The “print to digital” paradigm that has existed for decades focused on how direct marketing efforts were used to drive digital sales success. But with the influx of data available to marketers, there’s good reason to rethink this old marketing model. Yes, consumers spend more time online now than ever before, but they’ve already become numb to incessant advertising, which has led them to tune out many forms of online promotions.
The new digital to print paradigm is asking CMOs to rethink data sources and how best to use the insights gathered from this data. Online browsing behavior is just one source for how shoppers interact with your company. The ability to integrate consumer data – from browsing to social to CRM – is transforming data-driven marketing today. Never before have marketers been able to see such a complete picture of the consumer’s path to purchase and to understand what is truly motivating them to buy.
It’s time to take data-driven marketing offline. Discover where data-driven marketing is headed, what it means for you and what ground-breaking ways marketers are taking data from digital to print in the infographic below.