It is possible for brands to connect with their customers in a more meaningful way, and create the most effective and responsive program available. Take a minute to learn how marketers can now combine the best attributes of each channel for the ultimate customer experience.

(Marketing in a Minute Transcription)
When you think about the attributes of the most successful marketing campaigns you’ve executed, the ones that make meaningful connections to consumers, what was the key driver?
Was it the targeting? Being able to reach that right consumer?
Was it the recency? Reaching out to that consumer at just the right time?
Maybe it was it the relevancy? Putting just the right message in front of that consumer?
Or, was it the scalability?
What if all of these attributes were part of the same campaign? And, you could measure it.
That’s what you get when you combine digital advertising and direct mail. Web-powered direct mail works because of the symbiotic nature of the relationship between these two channels. It combines the best attributes of each channel: speed and scalability with targeting and the ability to individualize. It's a great way for brands to connect with their customers in a more meaningful way, and create the most effective and responsive program available.
Simply put, digital marketing and direct mail are better together.