NaviStone June News Roundup

News Roundup-1

Data. It’s said to be the DNA of marketing. So much of how marketers plan and execute campaigns is built on the very foundation of data. With innovation, constant evolution and new regulations, the conversation around data cannot be ignored. As we wrap up the first half of 2018 we’d like to review our list of top stories published that support the importance of data to the practice of marketing.

1. 4 Ways Marketers Can Make Their Customer Data Informative and Inspiring 

In this article, written by Dan Tynan at AdWeek, SVP for creative agency Deutsch, Daniel Murphy says, “Now is the time to take stock of what you have and own. It’s really important that you’re not relying on someone else who could turn off that data feed or start charging you for it. The car won’t run without the fuel, and since data is clearly what the fuel is, you need to make sure you have access to it.” And, we could not agree more!

2. GDPR: Why Marketers Should Love It

Nearly one month into the activation of GDPR, there have been countless stories serving as warnings, worrisome predictions and theories around the future of data in an era of GDPR. However, we love this piece written by Joe Stanganelli of, which paints the perfect picture of the optimism marketers need today. This article outlines how marketers can find opportunity in becoming better, edgier and more effective marketers while being GDPR compliant. It's time to embrace this change and remember to make sure your vendors are GDPR compliant too! 

3. The Importance of Using Data Effectively and Creatively

In this Infographic by Sammy Nickalls of AdWeek, she sheds light on the importance of an effective data strategy in order to deliver the unique experience that people have become accustomed to. Some aha-facts of the piece include statistics such as, 88% of marketers aren’t using data to its full potential, yet 71% say it is the most important customer experience factor. What a missed opportunity! Read more about the opportunities and challenges that data-driven marketing presents.

4. 5 first-party data strategies to power your personalization

Data, data everywhere, but where does a marketer begin? Start with your own customer data! In this story written by Mike O’Brien at Clickz he reinforces the importance and value of first-party data. How, by using first-party data, marketers can eliminate the game of telephone enabling marketers to build stronger, more direct relationships with their customers. Our favorite rule? Don’t forget about Direct Mail.

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