Top Considerations for Back to School Planning

BTS Infographic

Even though our kids are just barely finishing this school year, it’s time for us to start thinking about the next school year… well, at least our marketing programs to support the upcoming Back to School season (BTS).

Top Considerations for Back to School Planning

Did you know the Back to School season is the second largest season of the year, only second to the Holiday season?  As shopping seasons go, it’s fairly long. Holiday season starts with Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, and runs through Christmas. Just about 4 weeks. The BTS season starts as early as July, right after the July 4th holiday and runs through Labor Day weekend. That’s almost twice as long! Why? The school year has a rolling start date depending upon where you live in the country; beginning anywhere from late-July in Arizona to early September in New York. Some experts will also argue that the BTS season should be replaced with a year-long strategy for driving sales from these consumers. We have to get our marketing programs developed and in place…right… about…now!

Here are some top considerations for Back to School planning:

BTS Infographic v1


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