Ask the Snail! Non-Promotional Pam

Zippy Covid

Have a burning question about Direct Mail that you've been longing to have answered? Ask Zippy! Zippy the Snail has been in the field of marketing since its inception. His wisdom is unmatched to those other "couriers" out there, and he's about as direct as it gets! Submit your questions to

NaviStone Infographic Logo-1Dear Zippy,

I love the idea of this triggered postcard I keep hearing about. But every postcard I’ve seen, received or asked my industry counterparts about, have been promotional. 

My brand is not promotional and it never will be. Would I be wasting my time and precious marketing dollars by testing this?

Yours Truly, Non-Promotional Pam

Dear Non-Promotional Pam,

Great question! This is one I actually get quite a bit and the short answer is no! Using a triggered postcard to drive demand is an effective tactic whether you are a promotional brand or not.  

Think about the way a consumer engages with your brand today.

Consumers are exposed to messaging online and offline, through print, TV, radio, email, and display advertising across the open web, social channels and mobile. In fact, the average marketer is using 13 different channels to reach their audience, exposing consumers to more than 4,000 ads per day across four devices.

One of the most important considerations when marketing across so many channels is consistency. If a consumer is offered a promotion via email, let’s say 10% off, and then goes to your website and is offered a different promotion - maybe just 5% off or no promotion at all, you will cause confusion for that consumer. That confusion, that inconsistency, may be all it takes to lose the sale.

Conversely, if you are not a promotional brand, there is absolutely no reason to offer a promotion. Again, that inconsistency is what can cost you the sale.


Zippy the Snail

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