Ask the Snail! Hopeful for the Holidays

Holiday Zippy


Have a burning question about Direct Mail that you've been longing to have answered? Ask Zippy! Zippy the Snail has been in the field of marketing since its inception. His wisdom is unmatched to those other "couriers" out there, and he's about as direct as it gets! Submit your questions to

NaviStone Infographic Logo-1Dear Zippy,

I just spent the last three months planning for Holiday. We are a highly seasonal advertiser and the Holiday season will make or break our year. Do you have any suggestions for things we can do to ensure a higher likelihood of success at this critical time?


Hopeful for the Holiday

Dear Hopeful for the Holiday,

Boy do I get it! Holiday season is the busiest time of year for me too! 

This is a tough question because there are no quick tricks to maximize performance. There is no silver bullet that is guaranteed to increase the probability of success. If I had to say one thing, I’d recommend looking at all the marketing programs you currently have scheduled for the season and make sure you are using them to complement each other.

TV complements web traffic and sales.

Social complements retail transactions.

Direct mail complements email and display.

And, so on and so on and so on.

When digital programs hit the scene in the 90s, marketers shifted spend from offline programs to online programs and saw overall sales negatively impacted. The fact was, offline marketing supported online traffic and online marketing supported offline sales. The combination of these two marketing programs was found to drive the greatest success because they nicely complement each other.

To learn more about how Direct Mail and Digital Marketing = Better Together check out this eBook!

There actually is a new digital channel that should be used to complement your marketing efforts, web-powered direct mail. Web-powered direct mail can be used to complement those programs focused on driving site traffic by supporting retargeting of these site visitors through personalized direct mail, delivered within 48 hours of the site visit. 

Gone are the days of “snail mail”. Welcome web-powered direct mail. That’s what I call job security!

And, hey, delivering 6% response rates, it just may be the silver bullet you are looking for.

Happy holidays,

Zippy the Snail

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