NaviStone Blog

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Insights from a Retail Marketing Pro: A Q&A with MaryBeth Moore

Insights from a Retail Marketing Pro: A Q&A with MaryBeth Moore

MaryBeth Moore joined the NaviStone team in late 2022 as Vice President of Business Development. Her role includes introducing retail marketers to the Digitally Powered Direct Mail solution and improving the performance of their marketing programs. This week's blog, includes a candid Q&A discussion on the opportunities and challenges MaryBeth has overcome in her journey through retail marketing over the years that many in retail can relate to! 

10 Effective Customer Acquisition Strategies for 2023

10 Effective Customer Acquisition Strategies for 2023

Customer acquisition is a crucial aspect of any successful business strategy. It's important for marketers to stay ahead of the curve and continuously adapt their approach to attract new customers. In this blog, we'll explore the top 10 customer acquisition strategies for marketers and delve into why customer acquisition is so important in 2023.

Super Bowl Sunday, A Marketer's Favorite Holiday

Super Bowl Sunday, A Marketer's Favorite Holiday


The Super Bowl, one of the biggest events in American culture, is fast approaching and marketers everywhere are gearing up for the big day. This annual event draws millions of viewers from all over the world, making it a prime opportunity for brands to showcase their products and reach a massive audience. From eye-catching advertisements to buzz-worthy commercials, the Super Bowl has become a platform for brands to get creative and showcase their marketing prowess. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at why marketers are so excited about this year's Super Bowl.

Direct Mail: Privacy, Not a Four Letter Word

Direct Mail: Privacy, Not a Four Letter Word

In today's digital age, data is a crucial component of any marketing strategy. However, it's important to remember that the data we collect and use belongs to real people, and it's our responsibility to ensure that it's handled in a responsible and ethical manner. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just getting started, tune into this Marketing in a Minute to learn about navigating the complex landscape of data privacy.

Why Direct Mail Marketing Works for Travel & Tourism

Why Direct Mail Marketing Works for Travel & Tourism

Direct mail marketing is a tried and true method for reaching potential customers in the travel and tourism industry. Despite the rise of digital marketing channels, direct mail continues to be an effective way for businesses to connect with consumers and drive bookings. In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons why direct mail is a powerful tool for reaching travelers. Whether you're looking to increase bookings for your hotel, drive traffic to your tour company, or promote your destination, direct mail marketing can help you achieve your goals.

The Top Events Marketers Must Attend in 2023

The Top Events Marketers Must Attend in 2023

Happy New Year! At NaviStone, we have done our research and created a list of the Top Events Marketers Must Attend in 2023. Take a look at events and conferences that span industries from retail to travel to digital marketing agencies. These events are sure to deliver top-notch content and networking opportunities with thought leaders and smart marketing peers. Hope to see you there this year!